Post-stroke deficits and recovery from bench to patient’s bed
Any translational end-points to come?
For decades, preclinical stroke studies have failed to predict neuroprotective drug efficacy in clinic. Many reasons have been pointed out, among them the difficulty to induce reproducible and long-lasting functional outcomes in preclinical studies. It is a critical issue considering that clinical interventions focus on patient functional deficits and recovery.
It is time to start rethinking post-stroke behavioral testing in preclinical studies. This point will be the subject of presentations and discussions during our annual meeting on June 5th in Paris. This year again, Strok@lliance’s meeting will aims at bridging the gap between laboratory and clinical practices.
For one day, neurologists, clinicians and researchers will enlighten the reality of post-stroke deficit evaluation and rehabilitation in both the setting of clinical trials and medical cares. Some innovative behavioral tests and research strategies in rodents will be presented before a debate where clinician will share their vision of the value and needs in current preclinical behavioral studies.